Springfield Area:    Temp: 31°F / 26°F   Dew: 26°F   Hum: 82%   Wind: 5 mph
Local Forecast Rest Of Tonight: Mostly cloudy and cold. Near steady temperature around 5 above. Temperature rising to around 6 above through sunrise. South winds around 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph. Wind chill values as low as 15 below.

Last Updated: 1:52 AM on 01/22/2025
Springfield, Illinois (62702) 5 Day/Night Forecast by Josh 3D
Overnight Wednesday Wednesday NightThursday Thursday NightFriday Friday NightSaturday Saturday Night
 0° 28° 19° 24° 5° 25° 19° 39° 23°
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16 mph / -20°17 mph / 16°9 mph / 10 mph / 14°6 mph / -6°8 mph / 16°10 mph / N/AN/A
SPC's Day 1 Convective Outlooks [1Z - 12Z]

SPC's Day 1 Convective Outlooks

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